
"I’ve done a white collar before and watched a number of white collar shows. This set up is by far the most professional and responsible I’ve seen. The coaches are proper boxers with extensive ring experience. Their emphasis on technical skill and proficiency was obvious from the outset; starting with drills and conditioning and progressing to technical and open sparring at a pace that felt comfortable and well supported. There’s a lot of white collar camps out there but if you’re looking to actually learn how to box, get in amazing shape, build proper relationships with camp mates and have the most exhilarating night of your life in front of a massive crowd, you won’t find anywhere better than Bronx"
james bait, BOXER
"Incredible. There is a stark difference between Bronx and the other white collar places I've been involved in, namely that this place KNOWS boxing. Their training was technically focused and I went into my fight feeling like an expert in the sport. They truly stand out in a world full of event promotors teaching boxercise standard sessions"
ola deje, BOXER
"Had the time of my life. Don't get me wrong the training is gruelling and its an emotional rollercoaster but the pride you feel when you step through those ropes is worth every minute of it. My self-confidence is higher than it's ever been because once you have done this, you can do anything."​-
mary quinn, BOXER
Bronx is such an inspiring place to get fit, make friends and learn about yourself. The coaches are passionate and bring tons of energy to every session. White Collar Boxing was a real challenge but when it got scary there was always loads of support from fellow fights and from the coaches. I feel really lucky to have been part of the team and cannot recommend it highly enough"​
benny buck,
Just incredible! The atmosphere on the night was phenomenal. There is no feeling like walking out to the crowd cheering your name whilst your favourite song is playing. It gives me shivers thinking about it. Yes it's scary, yes it's nerve wracking but the adrenaline and feeling of accomplishment is worth every second! I'd do it again in a heartbeat.
paul finn,
From a coaches perspective, I have to say how much more professional this set up is than the others. I've been involved with many clubs and white collar companies and the priority is usually money. Here things feel different, Marnie really wants the best for people and to see them achieve. It feels honest and genuine, that's what makes it special.
ellen sanchez, boxer
I was getting married and needed a reason to finally get the weight of that I had been struggling with for years. The time had come! This camp was the biggest wake up call for my body and my mind. I lost 8kg over the course of the 10 weeks because I had a goal that meant I HAD to get in shape. I had the best wedding day and felt great about myself!
imogen talbot,
I am a teacher by day, and have never even dreamed about punching someone. This was so far out of my comfort zone that I was drawn to the idea of surprising everyone - including myself. I did something that I didn't even know I was capable of. I'm so grateful to Marnie and her team for believing in me even when I didn't!